The world is becoming a smaller place to live and work. We bank electronically, and are more likely to receive an email than a letter. Criminal activity has, to a large extent, also converted from a physical dimension to a cyber dimension. As early as 1984, the FBI Laboratory and other law enforcement agencies began developing programs to examine computer evidence. For the most part these examinations were scattered throughout the agency but now it appears to be trending toward moving to a laboratory environment. Computer Forensics is defined as “the science of identifying, recovering, extracting, preserving, and documenting ESI (Electronically Stored Information) so that it can be presented as evidence in a court of law.” This science was created to address the specific needs of law enforcement in order to make the most of the electronic evidence. Computer forensics has been an evidence gathering tool of technology-related investigations and intelligence gathering in law enforcement and military agencies since the mid-1980s. However, only since 1999 have the tools been developed that make the examination process comprehensive, expedient, and financially feasible.
There are five basic steps to the computer forensic process: Preparation of the investigator, Collection of the data, Examination of the data, Analysis of the data, and Reporting of the findings.
The investigators must first acquire the equipment that is needed for each investigation. This equipment can include the normal equipment that is used in a traditional forensic investigation, such as cameras, notepads, crime scene tape, cable tags, and stick-on labels. It can also include equipment to help with the operating systems, data recovery software, disk imaging software, encryption decoding software, and file viewers. Investigators should try to never use the original media that is collected as evidence because that evidence needs to be preserved. They should also be aware of the court rules that are in place for evidence and be sure to follow these rules closely.
According to a veteran law enforcement officer and trainer, the most important aspect of computer forensic investigation is gathering the evidence. He said that all the computer technology in the world for forensics is only as good as the evidence (input) that is used. So when the officers or detectives arrive on the scene is imperative that the scene remain sterile. It is also imperative that evidence is gathered using proper procedures as not to contaminate the evidence. Once all the evidence has been gathered, the data can be put into the computers and various other machines, labs, etc. It really is amazing all the information that investigators can glean from the technology. However, again he stressed that the computers are only as good as their human counterparts. If the data input has been contaminated or gathered in a manner that is inconsistent with proper protocol, then the output from the forensics will not be good.
Computer forensic examinations are conducted in forensic laboratories, data processing departments, and in some cases, the detective’s squad room. Computer evidence represented by physical items such as chips, boards, central processing units, storage media, monitors, and printers can be described easily and correctly as a unique form of physical evidence. Although forensic laboratories are very good at ensuring the integrity of the physical items in their control, computer forensics also requires methods to ensure the integrity of the information contained within those physical items. The challenge to computer forensic science is to develop methods and techniques that provide valid and reliable results while protecting the real evidence from harm. Evidence can be found in many different forms: financial records, word processing documents, diaries, spreadsheets, databases, e-mail, pictures, movies, sound files, etc. There is a lot of information that is stored in a computer of which most users are unaware. A forensic examiner can usually tell what a computer was used for, when it was used, what the user has done on the Internet (and when), and recover much of what the user wrote, read or viewed on the computer. Examiners can find deleted files. They may not get the entire file, but they can get some of it.
Evidence to be analyzed must be information uncovered during an investigation. With average storage capacities approaching 30 gigabytes and systems with 60 GB available it is likely to be impossible to completely and exhaustively examine every file stored on a seized system. There may also be legal prohibitions against searching every file (example: doctor files-patient privacy). To keep the seized evidence intact and unaltered they try to make a copy of files to do the investigation from and then leave the original intact and unaltered. Unlike most investigation the evidence from computers will not always be the same, like fingerprints or DNA, each case will have different information to be analyzed. This leads to different policies of collection, examination and analyzing. Computer forensic science is also almost entirely technology and market driven, generally outside the laboratory setting, and the examinations present unique variations in almost every situation.
The final step in a computer forensic investigation is the report writing. This is actually the one of the greatest tasks of the forensic analyst because they must put the data together in such as way as to be readable for the intended audience. If the judge and jury in a court case cannot understand the evidence being submitted, it is unlikely that they will be swayed by the evidence in their decision making process. Disorganized and poorly written reports can jeopardize a case. There are websites that are aimed at helping these professionals to write good, detailed reports. There is even a website with a template to ensure that the report writer has all the necessary information in the report. That template is located at Computer forensics is one of the many career opportunities for the skilled IT professional that would prove to be very interesting and challenging.